Calling a Time-Out


Sometimes, the best thing a couple can do when having an argument is to call a time-out. 

This is, to say the least, a better alternative to giving the silent treatment. Too many are guilty of withdrawing from a conversation and offering their partner a cold shoulder when they are hurt by a certain topic of conversation and want to inflict the same kind of pain. 

The consequences of giving the silent treatment are often disastrous, and can destroy a marriage when it is the  

Instead of withdrawing from your partner, we suggest instead calling a time-out. 

A time-out will give you and your partner a chance to let heated emotions subside and come back together to work toward a solution. 

If you call a time-out, make sure that you also give your partner a time when you will come back to have a respectful conversation. We suggest twenty to sixty minutes initially, where you might take a walk or do something that will allow you the time and space you need to calm down. Offering your partner a specific time that you will come back lets them know that you are interested in finding a solution, and that you are interested in working together toward it. 

A time-out is a much more effective way to stay on the same team than the silent treatment.

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