You Are More Than Your Diagnosis!


When you’re dealing with a person that has concentration issues, it can be tempting to make certain assumptions about them based on a diagnosis.

While it is important to recognize what they dealing with, you don’t want to enable him by encouraging or reinforcing a label that could allow him to avoid responsibility.

You are more than a label!

Your partner is a wonderful person who is much more than just a label. Work to get rid of that label and let your partner be him or herself – a unique individual, not a diagnosis.

Every person on earth has things that are difficult for them. Even so, you don’t hear people saying things like, “I can’t do that because I have Typical Human Being Disorder!” Labels are not an excuse; they are a challenge, and even an opportunity.

It is totally O.K to admit to someone that something is not a great fit for your skill set without having to always add “because I struggle with _______.”

If we all had the same identical skills, where would the fun in life be? Variety is great!

Concentration difficulties are only a part of who you are. It is not your most defining characteristic, and it doesn’t need to run your life.

You’re far more than your diagnosis!

For partners, being in a relationship with someone like this does have challenges, but often they’re the challenges that come with any relationship. 

Make the effort to try being in a relationship with each other, not with a label. It’s well worth it, and the results might surprise you!


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